Craft soda floats hit the capital

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Roots Soda co. Kaleidoscope Float.

Last month our sodas found themselves in Cranachan & Crowdie, the Scottish food and drink shop nestled on the Royal Mile in Edinburgh.

Cranachan & Crowdie was launched in 2012 in response to the lack of shops selling food and drink handmade in Scotland.

Beth, the co-owner of Cranachan & Crowdie, has taken our sodas one step further by creating takeaway soda floats - a couple of scoops of Galloway ice cream topped with Hoodoo or Kaleidoscope.

Soda floats were invented in 1874 by Philadelphian Robert McCay Green, a soda jerk, who first added ice cream to soda to win business from his competitors.

We’ve been coming up with our own recipes too and we’ve been very lucky to receive some specially made ice cream from Michelin-starred chef Martin Wishart.

After a bit of experimenting, here are our favourite soda float combinations:

1. The Hoodoo float is made with 3 scoops of Martin’s vanilla ice cream; it’s a simple recipe but effective. We found it’s easier to pour the soda over the ice cream - rather than drop the ice cream in - as it can get fizzy and overflow!

2. For a sweeter experience, try the same combination but swap Hoodoo for Kaleidoscope. Opting for a fruit ice cream, like mango, creates an even fruitier float.

3. Our shandy float is composed of 50% Kaleidoscope, 50% Kernel India Pale Ale Citra and 3 scoops of vanilla ice cream from Martin Wishart. Once you’ve added it to the glass we suggest you let it sit for a minute before consuming.

Share your own soda float concoctions with us via Twitter or Facebook and keep a look out for our winter floats too; proving the soda float is for life, not just for summer.

Martin Wishart's ice cream.

Ice cream by Martin Wishart.

Roots Soda Shandy Float.

Shandy float.

Roots Soda Co. float with straw.

Roots Soda Co. Kaleidoscope float.


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