Lights! Camera! Soda!

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Jon and Mark pouring soda on tap.

Hello. Sorry for the tardiness in updating this here blog; many other things have been happening chez Roots which have been occupying both our minds and our bodies. Firstly, Roots HQ is almost there! We have sparkly soda-making kit everywhere, it's amazing. We have a boiling pan that's big enough to sit in (not advised), and a juicer that will save our weedy little arms from the toiling they went through last summer (although there is something quite manly about crushing a pomegranate which i'll probably miss).

We have recently had local film-maker and general hottie, 'Slick' Steve Pool down at Roots HQ taking pictures and snippets of film which will feed into the maiden Roots Soda movie. His work has been made a whole lot easier by the consumate ease with which the protagonists operate in front of the camera; acting of the calibre that wouldn't look out of place after 10pm on Channel 5. You shall be alerted of this undoubted masterpiece's release date in due course. I'll maybe try and attach a 'making of' picture here, if my limited IT skills will allow...(EDIT: they won't, for now)

The future is looking wonderfully exciting; we've had some very interesting enquiries from a number of folk, and wide-ranging support throughout which we're massively chuffed about, so thanks to all concerned. We're nearly there now, so y'all just be patient for a tiny bit longer. In the meantime, continue to Follow us!; Like us!; and Say Hello!. And we shall reciprocate with bells on!

Bye for now, lovelies.


Roots HQ.


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t: +44 (0)131 552 4495

Unit 13
New Broompark

© 2018 Roots Soda Ltd.