Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Roots Soda Co. Jon and Mark at Farmers Market.

Roots Soda Co’s journey began back in April 2012, and it began by hitting the history books. It didn’t take long before we asked, “what would soda be like if it could start again, this time championed by brewers, chefs and enthusiasts, as apposed to pharmacists?” Well, now we’re going to find out.

During the summer of 2012, we had a small range of handmade sodas which we dispensed from kegs at local farmers markets. We offered two flavours each week. When paired together, Hoodoo and Kaleidoscope seemed to really hit it off, and they went on to be released in bottle form. We could say that those sodas were our first prototype series brought to you by enthusiasts. You also played your part by helping us decide which two flavours we should bottle.

A couple of months ago we listed a job vacancy at Roots Soda Co. We were looking to add a brewer to our team, but we had no idea if there’d be an appetite out there for brewers to join a soda company. Although not super hopeful, we gave it a shot regardless. Within a few days we had over one hundred applicants. A little overwhelmed, we cancelled all plans to further promote the vacancy.

The response was much better than we expected, and threw up a few surprises too. So much so, that we finally got our chance to put that initial question on founding Roots Soda Co. to the test, and today we welcome David and Shaun to our little soda works in Granton, Edinburgh.

Shaun is a brewer, and worked previously for Stewart Brewing and Alechemy Brewing. David a chef, worked previously for Michelin Star restaurants, Le Louise XV, Pied A Terre, and Edinburgh’s own The Kitchin. Since joining Roots both have been hard at work on new sodas.

We’re often asked when new flavours are coming out. Previously, there simply was never enough manpower to get the day to day jobs done, and develop new sodas. Over the last month things have really started to move forward at Roots. Today I’m chuffed to finally say, “yes, new flavours will be out very soon.”

We’re are on a mission to move soda forward. David and Shaun, bring with them experience and new skills, we simply didn’t have at Roots before. Already, David has developed two new fruit and vegetable flavoured sodas, while Shaun has been working away on our first fermented root beer.

You’ll be able to taste these new sodas (our first since 2012) when we launch our second prototype series at The Hanging Bat, on Sunday the 13th of December. We’ll also have our long last collaboration along, which we did with The Hanging Bat in 2013. All four flavours will be dispensed from keg, on the night. We’ll then launch the three new sodas in bottle form shortly after.

We’ll keep adding to the prototype series throughout the early part of 2016. Like our early days in 2012, we’re asking you to help us decide which flavours should then go on to form part of our core range.

We’ll get into the specifics of each drink next week, but for now…

Peace be with you brothers and sisters

Shaun Rogerson.

- Shaun Rogerson.

David Millar.

- David Millar.

Roots Soda Co. prototype flavours.

Roots Soda Co. prototype flavours.


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t: +44 (0)131 552 4495

Unit 13
New Broompark

© 2018 Roots Soda Ltd.