New labels for Roots Soda Co's cans

Wednesday, 25 September 2019

During the summer, we busily improved our production process. But we made time to polish up our labels too.

On the front of the new labels, we reintroduced the flavour’s name, and the words ‘Edinburgh’ and ‘soda’. Then, we made our labels more colourful. We made these changes to help folks quickly figure out what is in our cans.

Look out for our new cans at bars, cafes, and eateries around Edinburgh, and let us know what you think about them. You can also check them out in the video above.

If you cannot wait to bump into our cans at stockists, you can get one for free. Simply follow @rootsodaco on Instagram and send us a DM saying “free soda”. Upon receipt of your DM, we will get in touch to arrange delivery. Please note, this offer is only available to folks who live in Edinburgh.

Currently, we are renovating our website and opening up an online store. Soon, everyone outside of Edinburgh will be able to get our soda delivered to their door. Those who reside in Edinburgh, will also be able to visit Roots HQ and purchase our soda direct.

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or sign up for our newsletter below to be notified when our online store is open. You will also be the first to know when our crowdfund kicks off.



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t: +44 (0)131 552 4495

Unit 13
New Broompark

© 2018 Roots Soda Ltd.