Our online store is open again

Thursday, 30 April 2020

Sign at Roots Soda Co.


We have reopened our online store today. To begin with, Superposition–our hop, clove and grapefruit soda–will be the only soda available, but we are going to start making soda again, and we will add more flavours to our online store soon.

I (Mark, Director) will be the only person making soda and sending out orders. My wife (Cristina) will help me out on canning days, because we need two people to run the canning line. Tom will remain at home until the current situation ends.

Originally, I planned to launch a crowdfund in April, but it looks like bars, cafes and restaurants could be closed for longer than first thought, and we may have to live with social distancing for awhile. As a consequence, I am making more changes than I planned initially to ensure Roots can produce soda for online sales whilst social distancing. So, please bear with me, I will launch our crowdfund soon.


P.S. Please follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for regular updates. You can also subscribe to our newsletter below for a notification when our crowdfund goes live.


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e: hello@rootssoda.co.uk
t: +44 (0)131 552 4495

Unit 13
New Broompark

© 2018 Roots Soda Ltd.