Friday, 24 May 2019

Last year, we relaunched our soda in cans, but the first batch was dumped after it started to oxidise.

At our current scale, making soda is a full-time job, and I was trying to do admin, promotion, and sales on top. The oxidised soda could have been avoided with more time to plan, so I made production my priority at the expense of everything else.

Since then, I’ve been really pleased with our soda in cans, and I believe that the quality has been superior to our bottled soda; for instance, the level of carbonation has been consistent from batch to batch, and our soda looks and tastes fresher for longer.

Unfortunately, the rest of the company started to fall behind, so I took time away from production to get funding for staff at the start of the year.

Today, we would like to hire someone for a production role as soon as possible. If you would like to apply for the role of soda brewer, please send your CV to jobs@rootssoda.co.uk.

Having a background in food or drink production is advantageous, but not essential. Passion and determination for food and drink–more than qualifications–will go a long way at Roots.

In other news, we’re going to crowdfund later this year, because we want to hire more people. There’s plenty of preparation still to do before we can launch our campaign, but in the meantime, you can subscribe to our newsletter for crowdfunding updates. There’s a simple sign up form at the bottom of this post.

Since the beginning, I always wanted to make videos for Roots, but there were other priorities that had to be done first. So I’m really pleased to finally get one done about the journey to crowdfunding. Please give it a watch, and subscribe to our YouTube channel if you like it.

Last but not least, we have Roots Soda Company apparel. It’s all made from organic cotton, and printed in Teemill’s renewable energy powered factory. It’s available for shipping UK wide right now, and you can check it out here www.shoprootssoda.com.



Sign up for the latest Roots Soda Company news.


e: hello@rootssoda.co.uk
t: +44 (0)131 552 4495

Unit 13
New Broompark

© 2018 Roots Soda Ltd.